Everything you need to know
about Stardust Grants
We offer fertility grants
for Jewish couples and individuals
in the tri-state area
We know how stressful it is to struggle to build the family of your dreams. We’re here to relieve one small part of that stress — no matter what your Jewish family looks like. If you’re ready to apply, you can hit the button below, but we recommend reading through the information on this page to understand all the ins-and-outs of who’s eligible, how to apply, and what to expect.
What we offer
We help ease the burden of fertility treatments in 4 key ways.
Grants between $1k–15k for eligible fertility treatments
Up to 20% cost reduction for services with our partner clinics
Best fertility medication pricing at specialty pharmacies
Peer support through our Stardust Fertility Friends program
Our application process
Fill out the application
If you meet our eligibility criteria (more details in the FAQs section below), fill out an application!
We accept applications on a rolling basis, but our committee reviews applications once every quarter.
The deadline for each cycle is the last day of the quarter (March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31).
Grants committee meets
After our grants committee, made up of leading medical, science, finance, legal, and social work professionals, meets you will find out if you’ve been approved for a grant, and if so, in what amount.
The most common reason an application gets rejected is because it has not been filled out properly, so be careful when filling out your application!
Find out if you’ve been approved
If you’ve been approved for a grant, funds will be paid directly to your fertility clinic. You must use the funds within 12 months, for treatments not yet undergone (funds cannot be applied to past services).
And don’t worry — we’ll be with you every step of the way to help you navigate all this.
Important FAQs
Before you apply for a Stardust grant, we recommend reading through these FAQs to make sure you’re eligible to be considered.
We help couples or individuals who meet the following criteria:
Resident of CT, NJ, or NY
One parent must be Jewish (applies to same-sex couples, heterosexual couples, and singles). Judaism must also be the sole religion practiced in the home and the only religion your child will be raised with
Proof of infertility from medical doctor (unless medical history or physical findings dictate earlier evaluation and treatment)
Have the means for child support and adequate living arrangements, along with basic health insurance for mother and baby
Have no more than one child
IVF (including with ICSI and/or PGT)
Donor materials (Egg donor / embryo donor / sperm donor) + IVF
Surrogacy (must have paid initial installment, matched with a surrogate, and can provide proof of funds)
Embryo banking
Egg freezing
IVF for women over 45 (unless using donor eggs)
Reciprocal IVF when not medically necessary
Fertility medications
Treatments for a third (or more) child
Applicants MUST meet the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) definition of Infertility (i.e. blocked tubes, unexplained infertility, endometriosis, PCOS, male factor, female factor, etc.) OR have other appropriate situation that requires use of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (e.g. LGBTQIA+, cancer treatment, genetic carriers, etc.). A reproductive endocrinologist must certify that treatment is necessary (i.e. not just preferable) and the applicant is an appropriate candidate.
Stardust utilizes a healthcare review committee that considers if candidates have a reasonable likelihood of success. Additionally, full Jewish genetic screening is required. We do not want someone to undergo treatment only to find out another factor is a barrier. Please go to www.jscreen.org for more information. Tests of ovarian reserve and applicant’s overall mental and physical health will also be considered.
Yes. Our goal is to build Jewish families. As long as you meet our criteria, we are here to support you. A reminder of our criteria:
Resident of CT, NJ, or NY
One parent must be Jewish (applies to same-sex couples, heterosexual couples, and singles). Judaism must also be the sole religion practiced in the home and the only religion your child will be raised with
Proof of infertility from medical doctor (unless medical history or physical findings dictate earlier evaluation and treatment)
Have the means for child support and adequate living arrangements, along with basic health insurance for mother and baby
We accept Jews of all kinds and all affiliations, but Judaism must be the sole religion practiced in the home. In the application, you will have the opportunity to share your fertility story and your vision for your Jewish family, and we ask for two reference letters attesting to your Jewish identity. We are deeply invested in our clients and want to see how their vision for a Jewish family can help us reach ours.
Application process
Stardust typically has four funding cycles per year, based on demand. The deadline for submissions for each cycle is the last day of the quarter (March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31). Our grants committee will review your application around 2-3 weeks after the end of the quarter, and you will receive notice about your application shortly thereafter.
Our grants committee is comprised of leading medical, science, finance, legal, and social work professionals, none of whom sit on our board of directors. Everyone involved is bound by confidentiality, and treats your privacy with the utmost care.
A personal statement (your fertility story and your vision of your Jewish family)
Reference letters (one from a rabbi or someone who can attest to your Jewish identity)
The last two IRS returns for each applicant (and/or joint filing)
The two most recent pay stubs for both applicants
A copy of both sides of your insurance cards
A letter from your physician stating medical need
No. Our grants are made payable directly to the clinics.
Each case is considered individually based on treatment costs and applicant’s financial situation, but grants are typically between $1,000 and $15,000. In most cases, we provide partial funding for treatments.
Stardust considers a range of situations and we encourage all eligible applicants to apply. If you are unsure if you qualify based on your income (whether you think your income might be too high or too low to qualify), please send us an email at info@stardustfoundation.org to get clarity.
No. Stardust only provides funding for treatments before they have started.
Our grants committee — made up of leading medical, scientific, legal, financial, and social work professionals — considers every application very carefully. Some factors that may go into the committee’s decision include financial need, ability to support a child, Jewish identity, strength of reference letters, and more. We wish we could provide funding to everyone who applies, but our ability to provide funding (and in what amount) depends on our budget, application volume, and other factors.